Family Support
The Family Support Service offers assistance to children, young people, individuals and families in Miles and surrounding communities.
Family Support Workers tailor the service to address the needs of each individual/family. The Family Support Worker can provide emotional support and assist to identify issues, goals and steps forward.
The services provided are free and confidential and are inclusive of all community members including people from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds.
The service is managed by the Murilla Community Centre Incorporated and funded by the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.
The service is available to all community members. Given the current challenges faced by farmers in the Western Downs, the service also focuses on rural families and individuals.
Life on the land is tough and the current drought conditions and resource sector impacts are making it even tougher.
While some primary producers are maintaining profitability, others are experiencing erosion of their assets which is adding stress to families.
Family Support Workers can provide information, referrals and assist to identify options. Referrals to the Family Support Service can be made by the individual, family/friends or other services by phoning the Murilla Community Centre and speaking with Centre Manager & Family Support Worker, Cecily Brockhurst.